ISO 9001 Corporate Quality Management System. This internationally valid certification covers the whole organisation of companies, from research and development to production, distribution and customer assistance.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. This defines a systematic framework for integrating environmental protection practices aimed at meeting legislative compliance requirements and addressing and assessing risks and opportunities.

ISO 45001 Management Systems for Health and Safety in the Workplace. This defines the minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide. It seeks to establish in advance the full range of risks and hazards that may occur in the workplace.

EMAS Certification. The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary certification tool developed by the European Commission that companies and other organisations can use to assess, report and improve their environmental performance. It includes, amongst other things, the drafting of an Environmental Declaration that must be inspected and validated by an accredited third party.

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration). Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola has assessed the environmental impacts associated with its products throughout their life cycle, from the extraction and processing of raw materials to the recovery of demolition waste.

HPD. It is a report from the manufacturer of product contents and associated health information. Part of what makes any published HPD credible to the users of this data is the manufacturer’s usage of the HPD Open Standard’s rigorous reporting methodology.

FDES Certificate. Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola has published its FDES (Fiche Déclaration Environnementale et Sanitaire) certificate on its INIES database. This describes the environmental performance of its construction products and provides health-related information, in accordance with the standards ISO 14025, NF EN 15804+A1 and NF EN 15804/CN. Read more here:

QB UPEC. This French certification provides the user with a guarantee. It ensures that all products marked with the QB and UPEC logos, comply with the requirements of the NF EN 14411 standard, in accordance with the present certification rules, and that these products possess the usage characteristics defined in the CSTB standard: “Technical specifications for the UPEC classification of ceramic floor coverings.” The four letters stand for:
U: resistance to wear from footfall
P: mechanical resistance to the movement of mobile and fixed objects
E: behaviour in the presence of water
C: resistance to current chemical agents

CE marking. Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola has fulfilled the obligations required for using the CE marking on its products. The relative commercial documentation can be consulted by our distributors.

CCC Certification. CCC Certification covers both imported and Chinese-made products destined for the Chinese market. The information on CCC Certification generally regards health and safety with particular reference, in the case of ceramic tiles, to Porcelain Stoneware tiles only, that absorb 0.5% or less. This certification is obtained through the validation of institutes specifically accredited by the Chinese Authorities, all of which are based in China.

UKCA marking. Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola has fulfilled the obligations required for using the UKCA marking, relative to the UK market, on its products.